Sunday, July 17, 2011

June 2, 2011 Buss Trip to Kelo

I’m here at the police station to register with the police.  It reminds me that I am not in America.  Not onl that, but I brought along two passport photos for this purpose and left them in my room.  So  paid the government $6.67 for two photo’s.  We were given a form that we not allowed to keep.  A copy was made at a nearby copy station and the original returned to the person from whom we obtained it.  Fredrick then helped me complete the forms as they were in French.  A large lizard with an orange-yellow head strolled by as we waited.

After being officially registered as an alien in Chad, we loaded my four bags, myself, and Fredrick on two motorcycle taxies and headed to the bus station (you wouldn’t know it was a bus station unless someone told you.)  We missed the bus to Bere.  If I knew then what I know now, I would not have been a happy camper.  The larger bus to Bere is more comfortable, while the small bus I rode to the Kelo is small, crowded, and cramped.  And to make things worse, I got a seat over a fender well, so my seat was even more cramped.  A trip that I was told would be 3 hrs turned out to be 7.  I was miserable the whole time, no air conditioning, cramps in my legs, no good place to put my feet, and the bus (van) ceiling was too low and crowded to allowing standing.  Every time the van stopped, they turned on the air conditioning while I went outside to stretch my legs.  I was very happy to arrive at Kelo and get off that bus.  The Parkers picked me up in Kelo and transported me to Bere.

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